Anyway, after two days on IF with an average time of 17 hours between meals, I took a day off. I ate pretty much anything I wanted, even went off Paleo and ate some pizza. Bad choice. About 20 minutes or so after the pizza, I began to feel lethargic and even a little irritable. My body was not happy about the sudden Carb shock and resulting insulin spike. I was very surprised at how in-tune with my body I was, and equally surprised that I was feeling this way after only 2 slices of pizza. However, I wasn't sure if it was really the pizza or something psychological having to do with me being disappointed in myself for straying off of the Paleo path.
After taking an eating day I decided to go back on, fasting the next day for about 16 hours or so. This day's WOD was exhausting and started with 400m interval runs for 20 minutes, resting the exact amount of time it took to run the previous 400m. I got in 5 rounds in just under 20 minutes. The second part was 3 round for time of 15 Cleans and max effort (ME) push-ups. I had been wanting to work on my squat clean form so I focused on that, not really concerning myself with how long it took. Round 1: 75#/21 reps, Round 2: 85#/21 reps, Round 3: 95#/19 reps. After round 2 I began to feel a little light headed so I downed my protein shake and waited a couple of minutes to finish, which I did with almost no more dizziness. Pretty happy with the performance, this WOD was difficult. I was also glad I had pushed myself to the point I did so that I was aware of my limits when WODing and IFing, which may increase over time as my body adapts. I'll keep posting about this.
Over the weekend I visited my grandparents, which meant no Paleo. I had pizza, biscuits, rice, etc. all weekend. My body responded the same way it had a few days previously. I became quite lethargic and tired, was not very cheery and the Fam could tell something wasn't quite right about me. It kind of sucked to be such a downer, but on the bright side (there is always a bright side) I did feel a surge of pride, too, that my body actually WANTED me to eat healthy, natural foods. Very cool.
Over the weekend I visited my grandparents, which meant no Paleo. I had pizza, biscuits, rice, etc. all weekend. My body responded the same way it had a few days previously. I became quite lethargic and tired, was not very cheery and the Fam could tell something wasn't quite right about me. It kind of sucked to be such a downer, but on the bright side (there is always a bright side) I did feel a surge of pride, too, that my body actually WANTED me to eat healthy, natural foods. Very cool.
Anyway, that's enough for today. For another/different perspective on IF and fitness in general, this blog is pretty neat. Some intelligence over there, as opposed to here. lol.
Uh oh squat cleans arwe on the menu tomorrow too...
ReplyDeleteWell done Ryan
Today's WOD was a Killer. "Bruno", not so friendly.